Why are we here?

MetaEnergy has been formed to provide Technical and Business services to those Companies and organisations that seek to make a difference in the Energy and decarbonisation space, but are lacking a complete solution to take to market. MetaEnergy provides project guidance, alternative thinking, novel solutions and the additive effect of technological convergence and impetus to achieve the commercial breakthrough being sought.

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Technological Innovation in order to be successful requires bandwidth, particularly the diverse range of skillsets needed to progress from concept to delivery, together with overcoming related technical challenges or ‘missing links’ that will enable a successful outcome. MetaEnergy’s role is to ensure clear and objective thinking pervades throughout the conception, planning, development and delivery process, and where necessary to ‘plug gaps’ or seek recovery of what may appear to be a brilliant idea, but a lost cause. Don’t give up on a game-changing solution because the barriers seem insurmountable…talk to MetaEnergy instead!


MetaEnergy was formed in 2020 by Ash Pocock with the goal of creating an organisation passionate about helping Companies within the Energy and CleanTech sectors to achieve their ambitions and Corporate objectives for the introduction of innovative low carbon technology. MetaEnergy has already started to ‘make a difference’ to its clients, and is growing its portfolio and capabilities to meet the expanding need and urgency in the sector
